Our Why

Our Why: A Journey from Black Saturday to
Essential Communications

Many businesses start with a why or a solution to a problem, so we thought a great place to start our newly created Blog is to give our clients a little more understanding of why we started Essential Communications Services.

Our journey began with a spark – not the kind that inspires, but the kind that devastates. It was Black Saturday, a day of disaster that forever changed the landscape of rural communities and our lives. We witnessed firsthand the critical role communication plays in navigating emergencies and their aftermath. The trigger ignited our “why” and the birth of Essential Communications Services.

Wayne, deeply moved by his role as a caseworker during those dark days, saw the need for reliable communication services and repairs. He understood the distress of disconnected people in times of crisis and how these hurdles slow rebuilding lives and communities. His vast technical background and experience stirred a passion: to bridge the communication gap where it mattered most.

When we began to talk about using our skills to make a difference, establishing Essential Communications Services seemed an organic, almost inevitable decision. A synchronicity of skills, experience, and a desire to serve led us on this path.

With my background in engineering, I found my place in establishing a digital platform that was user-friendly and accessible, including an online store that offered advanced telecommunication products. In addition, we focused on providing Australian Made products at competitive prices to ensure affordability without compromising quality.

Our dedication extends to providing WiFi signals in rural areas of Victoria and NSW, particularly to high-risk communities prone to natural disasters. A study from the National Rural Health Alliance underscores the vital role of reliable telecommunications in emergencies, highlighting the potential to save lives and livelihoods.

With over 40 years of combined experience, we’ve expanded our services to cover mobile range solutions for black spot areas, Starlink solutions, and more. We don’t just offer products; we go above and beyond, guiding our customers to find the connection they need.

Why did we start this journey? To ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age. To be a beacon of light in the darkness and illuminate the path towards a connected, inclusive future for rural and regional Australia.

Our story proves that innovation and progress can blossom even in the face of adversity. We turned adversity into action, fuelled by our unwavering belief that connectivity can transform lives.
And this is our “why”. This is Essential Communications Services.

Contact us today to see how we can be of service to get you better connected.
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